
Plan and organize the emergence and international deployment of future champions of the technologies, know-how and innovations of the future.

About Osinvest International

Osinvest International is an entrepreneurial firm, dedicated to the industrialization of innovations, know-how and technologies of the future

A unique initiative which federates and converges know-how, technical expertise and entrepreneurial skills, serving the deployment of innovations and technologies of the future.

Energetic transition
  • new energies
  • decarbonisation
  • new materials
  • water management
Nutrition / Healthcare*

* Except molecules

  • food
  • green chimicals
  • medical devices
Agriculture 3.0
  • exploitation
  • culturing
  • transformation
Priority investment targets

Ante-creation or start-up technology startups
Innovative start-ups

Turnover ≤ 2 million euros

Structured SMEs developing an innovation

Turnover ≤ 15 million euros

Investment decision criteriat

Strong intuitu persone
Innovations based on high-intellectually property-based scientific advances
Proven economic and environmental (low carbon) impact
Ability to make a strong contribution to value creation, on relevant economic areas

Osinvest International

  • driven by strong human and entrepreneurial values
  • carried by experienced business leaders
  • agile and be able to take position "as soon as possible" and deliver operational support of technological projects, innovative, sometime complex, ambitious and with very high potential
  • which contributes to the emergence of new industrial and technological leaders, including internationally (Africa, Asia, US)
  • which shows its ambition for substainability and energy efficiency
  • which effectively contributes to the attractiveness of Europe's 5th largest economic area

Be part of the initiative